
Advanced Mode Revamp (高級模式修改)

For Subscribed User we have good news for you
for the latest released of 123Autoit nonroot you are able to do more with Check Points and handle more logic using Advanced Mode + Memory Checkpoint

Once you switched to Advance Mode
all your check point would have a CheckPoint Variable next to it,
the first check point A, 2nd B, and so on, and we will be able to control it later on in Advance Logic

We have added temp Memory variable from var0~var20

you can hold a numeric during the automation, and also allow to change it during the Advance logic

Here we have an Example for you
"A" is the Checkpoint result, it is going to be true or false, make sure A is defined in your page

"var0" is a memory to keep a number value
"result" is a return for this overall check for this page if it is confirm.

so the logic means if A is true, then var0 set to 1
and if A is false, then var0 set to 2

and change this page from [Action Then Break] to [Action And Continue]
so it will proceed to the next page

for the next following page we will add a normal Memory check point
if var0==1 then do some action

and we add another page add a normal memory check point
if var0==2 then do something else

(2018-01-30) to test if your device is currently using Javascript Code Engine or Bsh Code Engine try to do code  the following in your advance code
var array=new int[1];

if it return Error then you are using Javascript Code Engine (Faster)
if not then you are using Bsh Code(much Slower)

Here is a quick reference for Bsh Code

Code for Function:
int addValueTwo(value){
return value+2;


Code for Array:
var array=new int[1];


Compare String:

if( value.equals("whatever"))

Compare value:
if(  value==0)

for Coding Reference
here is a quick reference for coding

Code for Function:
int addValueTwo(value){
return value+2;


Code for Array:
var array=new int[1];


Compare String:

if( value.equals("whatever"))

Compare value:
if(  value==0)

It is now using Javascript as code language

debugMessage available for show value of variable during play time or validate


Other API:
 2Coords Col Match
text: [Variable]_hexColor1     possible Value EG:0e1c27  a hex value of the color
text: [Variable]_hexColor2

num: [Variable]_longColor1   possible value EG:924711 a long color value
num: [Variable]_longColor2

EG: if check point is A, then to get the hex value A_hexColor1="0e1c27"

2Coords Col Match = Sel Col
text: [Variable]_hexColor1     possible Value EG:0e1c27  a hex value of the color
text: [Variable]_hexColor2
text: [Variable]_hexColor3

num: [Variable]_longColor1   possible value EG:924711 a long color value
num: [Variable]_longColor2
num: [Variable]_longColor3

num: [Variable]_ckLongColor

num: [Variable]_ckHexColor

 Coord Col Match Sel Col
 2Coords Col Match
text: [Variable]_hexColor1     possible Value EG:0e1c27  a hex value of the color
text: [Variable]_hexColor2

num: [Variable]_longColor1   possible value EG:924711 a long color value
num: [Variable]_longColor2

Coord Col Match
text: [Variable]_hexColor     possible Value EG:0e1c27  a hex value of the color

num: [Variable]_longColor   possible value EG:924711 a long color value

num: [Variable]_ckLongColor

num: [Variable]_ckHexColor

 OCR Check
text: [Variable]_ocrText   

num: [Variable]_ocrNum   



Fasttick Game support list

app link: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.fasttick Currently it works for games like Eden (it just work) vlogger Go Viral (it works) RushFight (it has some kind of date tracking, add one day after you take the daily bonus) Japanese clicker games1 Japanese clicker games2 AbyssRium (need to pause the game, in order to get it to work) Video will be included later on

123Autoit nonroot tutorial

Background Info: This App doesn't require Root Permission, it works by setting up Page with Checkpoints and Action with SC(screen captured images), if all checkpoints matched then it will trigger Action. So CheckPoint and Action, to create a complete Automation Flow, pages with checkpoints and Action in it. Assumption your device is start the Accessibility Service and your android version is 7.0 or above For General Question: check out here All Test is done using this app. or you can use any other app, it would work the same. https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.test.automate 1 tutorial: when see this title Red rectangle in this location Red circle click on it. Here is what to do: first click on this floating to bring out the sub menu then in the sub menu click on the "SC" which is Screen capture, it store the image to your local directory, and then it will take you to edit mode, please wait. now you are in the edit mod...

Bug report

20170126 +Reported an add and delete page , image issue in 123autoit non root will get into fixing the problem when I get back from vacation 20160622 + we have found out that a small bug in Locale setting, it only affect user with Chinese locale, and has not set the language in the setting page< fixed at (version 1.5.20) 20160621 +we have been found out that not all device has the path /storage/sdcard0/ which is our default storage location, you might want to change according to your device. we have implemented validation on storage location, check if they exist, you can also change the location at setting #2 < added at (version 1.5.19 )20160621 Sorry for the inconvenience 20160620 +user has reported, sometimes Recharge button can't play back Video Ads, i have implemented a caches on the video ads, see if the problem has been resolved< added at  (version 1.5.18) 20160616 +user reported repeat text field and search page number field can't set number via...